Prophecy fulfills the mandate that God has for the church. That mandate goes back to the shift experienced in the Garden of Eden through Noah’s ark. The Messiah would be promised to save the world because even after the flood the world was not a reflection of the Eden experience prior to the Fall. This present age is desperately in need of a “Right Now Word” and a corresponding “prophetic word”. The mind of God is vast and can’t be contained by man. But God releases a Word to His prophets so that His people will be informed of what He desires for their life, so that they may prosper. The kingdom of God is here and is being advanced. Prophecy is a constant in the mind of God and is held as top priority in the kingdom. Yahweh is literally taking what’s in His mind and placing it into this sphere of time for man to receive, enjoy and be a part of the manifestation of something great. All humanity enjoys it but His citizens understand it better and appreciate it on a greater level.

(Prophecy is for Today)
Some people believe that prophecy is not for today. But there are many scriptures in the bible that speaks of prophecy. We are told to desire spiritual gifts and especially to prophesy, so that men would understand. What is prophecy? Prophecy is the word of God that is spoken by a born again believer of Jesus Christ that operates in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the Power of God. Prophecy reveals the mind of Christ to humanity of the past, present, or future. The Father uses His prophetic ministry to build up the church with edification, exhortation, and comfort. After reading this article, you will be able to identify and understand the Four Types of Prophetic Gifts, Prophecy in the Old Testament and New Testament, Prophecy used in Scripture, and Prophecy is for Today.
Four Types of Prophetic Gifts
There are four types of prophetic gifts that are given to the saints, so that the Father gets His message out to the world. The prophetic gifts operate by the same spirit but different types of anointing.
· Creation Gift or Spirit of Prophecy – Is one anointing of prophecy that comes from the Gifts of the Father. When this anointing is present it is easy to prophesy regardless of gifting or call. In Romans 12:6, it states “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith.”
· Gift of Prophecy –This gift is given by the Holy Spirit based on 1 Corinthians 12:10 and 1 Corinthians 14:3. The Gift of Prophecy is stirred by the Holy Spirit with an anointed utterance that is the manifestation of the Spirit of God and not of man’s own intellect.
· Prophet – A prophetic anointing that is one of the Gifts of the Son. This gift is the office of a Prophet spoken in Ephesians 4:11. Prophets work with Apostles to facilitate and equip the saints for the work of ministry and to edify the body of Christ. The word of God tells in Ephesians 2:20, that household of God was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ Himself being the main ingredient, the chief cornerstone. A Prophet prophesies divinely focused messages from the heart of God for the church or the world. These messages give instructions and corrections. It also gives an impartation such as realignments for destiny and for God’s plan and purpose.
· Activation of Saints - Believers that are prophetically anointed can release an anointing to activate the prophetic in other believers. This prophetic gift is given by faith and obedience of the believers that causes the activation to manifest. God’s prophetic word is not limited to a particular group or people. As long as, we are a born again believers of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells in us. For this reason, the anointing of God allows the Holy Spirit to move through the Body of Christ for His purposes according to 1 Corinthians 16:15 and Ephesians 4:12.
Prophecy in the Old Testament and New Testament
From the beginning in Genesis, the one and only true living God, spoke what He wanted to see into existence. The Father created heaven and earth. God saw that the earth had no form, it was empty and dark; but His Spirit was soaring over the waters. God spoke “Let there be light” and light appeared (Gen. 1:3). We are to speak what is already in heaven, so that it will manifest on earth. The word of God that goes forth cannot return to Him in void. He has to perform His word and it will prosper, just as it did when He created the earth and all that is in it. We must have faith in God to believe and receive the things we pray for.
Prophecy did not only exist in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament. The coming of Jesus to the earth was spoken into existence, when God sent the angel Gabriel to a virgin woman named Mary that lived in a city of Galilee. The angel said that she would be with child and he would be called Jesus. Gabriel said to Mary “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:32-33). For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The angel Gabriel was prophesying to Mary what was already ordained in heaven about the Son of God and His kingdom. This angel prophesied the future of the flesh-man Jesus the Christ.
(Prophecy is for Today)
Some people believe that prophecy is not for today. But there are many scriptures in the bible that speaks of prophecy. We are told to desire spiritual gifts and especially to prophesy, so that men would understand. What is prophecy? Prophecy is the word of God that is spoken by a born again believer of Jesus Christ that operates in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the Power of God. Prophecy reveals the mind of Christ to humanity of the past, present, or future. The Father uses His prophetic ministry to build up the church with edification, exhortation, and comfort. After reading this article, you will be able to identify and understand the Four Types of Prophetic Gifts, Prophecy in the Old Testament and New Testament, Prophecy used in Scripture, and Prophecy is for Today.
Four Types of Prophetic Gifts
There are four types of prophetic gifts that are given to the saints, so that the Father gets His message out to the world. The prophetic gifts operate by the same spirit but different types of anointing.
· Creation Gift or Spirit of Prophecy – Is one anointing of prophecy that comes from the Gifts of the Father. When this anointing is present it is easy to prophesy regardless of gifting or call. In Romans 12:6, it states “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith.”
· Gift of Prophecy –This gift is given by the Holy Spirit based on 1 Corinthians 12:10 and 1 Corinthians 14:3. The Gift of Prophecy is stirred by the Holy Spirit with an anointed utterance that is the manifestation of the Spirit of God and not of man’s own intellect.
· Prophet – A prophetic anointing that is one of the Gifts of the Son. This gift is the office of a Prophet spoken in Ephesians 4:11. Prophets work with Apostles to facilitate and equip the saints for the work of ministry and to edify the body of Christ. The word of God tells in Ephesians 2:20, that household of God was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ Himself being the main ingredient, the chief cornerstone. A Prophet prophesies divinely focused messages from the heart of God for the church or the world. These messages give instructions and corrections. It also gives an impartation such as realignments for destiny and for God’s plan and purpose.
· Activation of Saints - Believers that are prophetically anointed can release an anointing to activate the prophetic in other believers. This prophetic gift is given by faith and obedience of the believers that causes the activation to manifest. God’s prophetic word is not limited to a particular group or people. As long as, we are a born again believers of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit dwells in us. For this reason, the anointing of God allows the Holy Spirit to move through the Body of Christ for His purposes according to 1 Corinthians 16:15 and Ephesians 4:12.
Prophecy in the Old Testament and New Testament
From the beginning in Genesis, the one and only true living God, spoke what He wanted to see into existence. The Father created heaven and earth. God saw that the earth had no form, it was empty and dark; but His Spirit was soaring over the waters. God spoke “Let there be light” and light appeared (Gen. 1:3). We are to speak what is already in heaven, so that it will manifest on earth. The word of God that goes forth cannot return to Him in void. He has to perform His word and it will prosper, just as it did when He created the earth and all that is in it. We must have faith in God to believe and receive the things we pray for.
Prophecy did not only exist in the Old Testament but also in the New Testament. The coming of Jesus to the earth was spoken into existence, when God sent the angel Gabriel to a virgin woman named Mary that lived in a city of Galilee. The angel said that she would be with child and he would be called Jesus. Gabriel said to Mary “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:32-33). For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The angel Gabriel was prophesying to Mary what was already ordained in heaven about the Son of God and His kingdom. This angel prophesied the future of the flesh-man Jesus the Christ.

Prophecy used in Scripture
Ezekiel was a prophet. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Ezekiel and lead him to a valley where there were full of dry bones. The Lord told the prophet to Prophesy to the dry bones because the bones represented the whole house of Israel. I believe, if I was to interpret the house of Israel as dry bones, I would say that there was no spiritual life in the house of Israel. God’s people were in a grave, a desert place because of life’s circumstances. The people allowed the kingdom of this world to pursue and overtake them, until no hope was left. They believed that they were disconnected from the Father. But God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord” (Ezek. 37:5-6). As Ezekiel prophesied the bones and tendons came back together but no breath. God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the breath and it came into the body. The dry bones lived and became an exceedingly great army of the Lord. Because of Ezekiel’s obedience to God by prophesying exactly what he was commanded, he saved the whole house of Israel from the grave and the Father put His Spirit in them. Our Father spoke what He would do and He performed it.
Ezekiel was a prophet. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Ezekiel and lead him to a valley where there were full of dry bones. The Lord told the prophet to Prophesy to the dry bones because the bones represented the whole house of Israel. I believe, if I was to interpret the house of Israel as dry bones, I would say that there was no spiritual life in the house of Israel. God’s people were in a grave, a desert place because of life’s circumstances. The people allowed the kingdom of this world to pursue and overtake them, until no hope was left. They believed that they were disconnected from the Father. But God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord” (Ezek. 37:5-6). As Ezekiel prophesied the bones and tendons came back together but no breath. God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the breath and it came into the body. The dry bones lived and became an exceedingly great army of the Lord. Because of Ezekiel’s obedience to God by prophesying exactly what he was commanded, he saved the whole house of Israel from the grave and the Father put His Spirit in them. Our Father spoke what He would do and He performed it.

The Lord wants us to speak life instead of death into our situations. The power is in the tongue. Whatever we choose to speak, we will eat of its fruit. As we discussed from the book of Genesis, prophecy was around just as long as the Father was around. It is time for the prophetic people to arise, hear the voice of the Lord and speak His message as He gives it. It is vital because many lives are unstable and they are double minded in all their ways. The Lord wants to seal the spiritual cracks in our foundation with the word of God. And it will bring stability along with spiritual growth. For the saints that are prophesying, continue to prophesy what thus says the Lord. As prophetic people, we are to look beyond the sins of those who cross our path and see who God created them to be. God will reveal something about those people He places in our life or on our hearts. He wants us to meet people where they are and speak what is hidden in their heart. When we do this, they will fall to their face and worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. The Lord wants us to call out the greatness and speak life into the heart of those who have sinned. As a result of this, the people will be convicted and they will realize they are more than what they imagine themselves of being.
Prophecy is for Today
For the believers who were lied to that prophesy is not for today, you are FREE this day, in the Name of JESUS! In Joel 2:28 and Act 2:17 the word of the Lord proclaims “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.” His word is true! This means you, me, our children, and their children as long as, we are born again believers of Jesus Christ. Begin to spend more time with the Lord and He will speak. Our hearts have to be pure and right with Him, if we want to operate in fullness of the prophetic gift. We have to love all people regardless of the sin they commit. We have to hate what God hates and love what He loves.
The Lord wants to open our ear canals (also known as the outer ear), the middle ear, and the inner ear. I believe based on the word of God in Mark 7: 31-34, when the Lord healed the deaf and mute by putting His fingers in the deaf man’s ear and His spit on his tongue. The Lord spoke these words to heaven “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened”. Our Lord will stick His fingers in our ears to remove all blockages, so that every part and function of our ears is opened to hear His voice. He will put His spit on our tongues, so that we speak what He gives us without impediments but with clarity. Prophesy! Speak life in the lives of others and into your situation that may seem dead. Believe what you say, and it shall be done! Amen!
Deacon Sherry Charles
The Watchmen Society
Prophecy is for Today
For the believers who were lied to that prophesy is not for today, you are FREE this day, in the Name of JESUS! In Joel 2:28 and Act 2:17 the word of the Lord proclaims “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.” His word is true! This means you, me, our children, and their children as long as, we are born again believers of Jesus Christ. Begin to spend more time with the Lord and He will speak. Our hearts have to be pure and right with Him, if we want to operate in fullness of the prophetic gift. We have to love all people regardless of the sin they commit. We have to hate what God hates and love what He loves.
The Lord wants to open our ear canals (also known as the outer ear), the middle ear, and the inner ear. I believe based on the word of God in Mark 7: 31-34, when the Lord healed the deaf and mute by putting His fingers in the deaf man’s ear and His spit on his tongue. The Lord spoke these words to heaven “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened”. Our Lord will stick His fingers in our ears to remove all blockages, so that every part and function of our ears is opened to hear His voice. He will put His spit on our tongues, so that we speak what He gives us without impediments but with clarity. Prophesy! Speak life in the lives of others and into your situation that may seem dead. Believe what you say, and it shall be done! Amen!
Deacon Sherry Charles
The Watchmen Society